
Investor Friendly Portfolio Management for Superior Returns

A. Investment Thesis: 

Our core investment philosophy is to be a part of high-quality, disruptive, solid growing companies obtained at a discounted price to their fair value and grow with them for years to come.  History has shown that these companies produce hundreds to thousands of percent in growth over the years, outperforming almost all financial instruments with a wide margin consistently.

However, buy and hold forever does not work either, companies such as AOL, Xerox, Kodak were a few of the Wall Street darlings of yesteryears! 

This is where active management truly adds value, deciding what to buy, what is the right price (based on intrinsic value and sentiment) to get-in at, when to hold and when to fold.  

We back up our thesis with our performance based fee structure option, i.e, we succeed when you succeed!

Keeping the above in mind, we offer the following actively managed portfolios:


B. Logistics: 

You will hold funds in your account and link to DisruptiveSecularGrowth's advisory account, through Schwab or Interactive Brokers. ­
We do not take custody of your funds and there are no lock-up periods.

C. Fee Structure: 

a. Majority Performance ­based* Fee: 0.25% annual base fee and 25% over "Benchmark" annualized return


b. Flat AUM based % Fee

*Please refer to the Firm's Brochure for the details on calculations and eligibility.