Do I need Bonds in my Portfolio?

We hear a lot about allocation of Bonds in the portfolio such as 25%, 50% etc. In general bonds yield much less compared to average equity in US (SPX). If so why is it being blindly followed by a majority? what is the purpose of bonds in the portfolio, is it even relevant to your situation? a lot depends on your age and liquidity needs.

Webinar: Do I need Bonds in my portfolio? a Myth?

The webinar is focused on the purpose of bonds, pros, and cons of them, when it makes sense to own them and when it does not. Will have a myth-busting discussion - Why? How much does it cost to own them in your portfolio? Does it make sense for your scenario?

This will be a myth-buster and could prevent you from giving up a large upside for your money.

(it is primarily focused on US stock and investment-grade bond market)

This webinar has taken place in the past, if you are interested, register for the next one here.